Donations & ANBI
Light for next generations
GLOW Eindhoven Foundation is registered with the tax office as a Public Benefit Organisation, or ANBI in Dutch. The Foundation therefore does not have to pay inheritance tax or gift tax on donations or gifts. Your entire donation will benefit the light festival. Making a donation also comes with tax benefits for you as a donor.
Gifts and inheritance are exempt from inheritance and gift taxes. Furthermore, you can add the donation to your own income tax with an increase factor so that the deductible sum is higher than the actual donation. An increase factor of 25% is applied to the first € 5,000 donated. So, for a donation of € 1000, the tax deduction is € 1250. Interested? Visit the Belastingdienst website or click here for more information about the maximum tax deduction and to calculate the net costs.
As well as donations, there are other ways to support GLOW. For example, through an estate, bequest, or inheritance or registered fund. All ways of ensuring that light will amaze many generations to come, and that innovation, technology and light art can continue to exist in public spaces.
We can imagine that you might like to discuss this in a personal conversation. Suzanne Maas, business manager, is happy to meet you to discuss the possibilities.
Suzanne Maas, business management:
GLOW Eindhoven Foundation
GLOW Eindhoven Foundation
KVK 54151368
RSIN 851193614