Children's project Ruimtereizigers transforms Rabobank in Eindhoven into a universe

Article by Koen Chatrou for the Rabobank Members’ Magazine, photography by Michel de Heer.

A New Universe. With planets, spaceships, and extraterrestrials, artist Hugo Vrijdag’s enthusiasm bursts forth as he discusses his latest plan for GLOW 2024. Around ten thousand schoolchildren from the region will participate in the light artwork. The location? The Rabobank office on Fellenoord in Eindhoven, which will become part of the GLOW route.

“We have been friends of GLOW for a very long time,” says Marc Cootjans, Cooperative Director of Rabobank, in the beautiful atrium of the distinctive building. “This year, we really wanted to participate. We wanted to link GLOW 2024 to our desire to open up our building more and make it available to the community.” Ronald Ramakers, Director of GLOW, immediately saw opportunities. “Rabobank is a cooperative bank, rooted in collaboration. That fits perfectly with GLOW.” Artist Hugo Vrijdag also became part of this collaboration. Hugo, co-founder and co-director of the Ontdekfabriek, has been involving children in the creation of his light artworks for some years. “We have done many wonderful projects. For instance, we once ‘took over’ the Van Abbemuseum and the Paterskerk. When the idea came up to ‘take over’ the Rabobank office, I was immediately sold.”

Small and Fragile

Although the idea is still being tinkered with, the overall concept is clear. The title will be Space Travelers. Hugo explains, “The idea comes from what we call the ‘earth overview.’ This is the experience astronauts have when they see Earth from space. More than anyone, they see how beautiful, yet small and fragile, the Earth is. It teaches us that we must take care of it together.” During the preparation period for GLOW, children are challenged to view the Earth from a different perspective. Hugo continues, “The strength lies in the combination of all these individual artworks by the children. Here, in the heart of the bank, we are essentially creating their own planetary system, their universe, in which our Earth also plays a role.”

Curious and want to participate as a parent, caregiver, or teacher? Keep an eye on the website starting in September at

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