Are there ill people in your circle of friends? Is someone going to celebrate their birthday any day soon? Impending exams? Are you in search of your one true love? Would you like to see your loved ones more often? Do you want to change something in your life? At the heart of the hustle and bustle of the festival stands the Wensfabriek (wish factory) a place for contemplation and reflection. Light a candle and consider your wish: in silence for yourself, or shared with GLOW visitors. The Wensfabriek is located in the former Gasfabriek (gas works) on the NRE site. An inspiring environment. Wander in and find peace. Empty your head and follow your heart. Even if only for a short while.
The Wensfabriek is a Rotary Club Eindhoven Eeckaerde initiative. We ask for a donation of 1 euro for lighting a candle, but you can give more if you like. The proceeds will go entirely to a good cause: tackling poverty in Eindhoven. Like the Steunpunt Materiƫle Hulpvragen, that furnishes people with acute problems with basic necessities.
In the development and realisation of the Wensfabriek project the Rotary Club Eindhoven Eeckaerde worked with the sound artist Rob van Rooij and light architect Har Hollands.