Discover the universe together

With bulging pockets and bags full, a small group of curious children sneak out the door at night. The Space Travelers, as they call themselves, embark on an adventure. The infinite starry sky and passing comets amaze them. Surely, there must be plenty to discover there in that dark sky, they think, perhaps even the most beautiful planet in the entire universe.

Planets in all the colors of the rainbow quickly approach them. Red, yellow, green, each one more beautiful than the last. Stars zoom by, seeming to wink. The Space Travelers marvel at the sight. The universe offers endless beauty: UFOs, funny space creatures, quirky planets, and look, other astronauts waving cheerfully!

A planet slowly draws near. Strange space creatures hop around and shout in a space creature language. Ksssh, blabla, kss-wa. The Space Travelers decide to make acquaintance but quickly depart after a cup of space-tea to continue their exploration.

And suddenly, they see it. As small as a marble, a shiny green-blue sphere. The Space Travelers stare with open mouths at their home. How beautiful it is there… All those people, animals, and nature. It’s a wonderful fragile mess all together. “That’s the most beautiful planet in the universe!” they exclaim delightedly, “We’ve found it!”. The children decide to return home to convince anyone who will listen of the beauty and vulnerability of the earth. A new mission is born: that small green-blue sphere deserves our undivided attention.

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The worldwide space travelers

In Hugo Vrijdag’s light art installation, thousands of children from all over the world come together to build a universe. At primary and secondary schools, childcare or after-school care, and even at home around the kitchen table, children create drawings of planets, space creatures, spaceships, or other special objects from space. This happens here in the Netherlands, but also in other countries. The physical light artwork, featuring 3D planets made by children, will be displayed at GLOW Eindhoven. You can also participate from a distance. Draw a spaceship or alien and upload it using the button below. Together, we are creating a universe with global Space Travelers. And… it just might be that your drawing will be enlarged and featured in the physical light artwork.

Hugo Vrijdag was inspired by The Overview Effect, a concept by American space philosopher Frank White. Three things stand out when astronauts return from space: upon their return, there is a greater appreciation for the beauty of Earth, they feel more connected to all living things, and they experience an overwhelming emotional sensation when seeing the world. A journey into space changes one’s perspective on the world forever.

Tip! Would you like to view the night sky with your class? Then book a tour on the website of De Sterrenwacht Eindhoven via this link. For the regular opening hours, check the schedule on the website via this link.

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These powerpoints below are used in primary and secondary schools, but you can also use them at home!

Lesson plan ‘alien’ is made for grades 5-8, secondary school years 1 & 2

Lesson plan ‘spaceship’ is made for grades 5-8, secondary school years 1 & 2

Lesson plan ‘3D planet’ is made for grades 5-8, secondary school years 1 & 2

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Watch the instructional videos here

Draw an alien

Instructional video for grades 1 to 4

Watch video

Draw a spaceship

Instructional video for grades 5 to 8 and secondary school 1 & 2

Watch video

Make a 3D planet

Instructional video for grades 5 to 8 and secondary school 1 & 2

Watch video

' I n s p a c e , I a l s o e m o t i o n a l l y e x p e r i e n c e d t h a t I a m p a r t o f s o m e t h i n g b i g g e r . A n d w h a t I s t r o n g l y f e l t w a s t h e b e a u t y a n d v u l n e r a b i l i t y o f t h a t s m a l l p l a n e t o f o u r s . S o m e t h i n g w e m u s t t a k e g o o d c a r e o f . ' A n d r e K u i p e r s , A l g e m e e n D a g b l a d M a r c h 2 1 , 2 0 2 4

About the artist

Hugo Vrijdag

Hugo Vrijdag (1970) graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven. As a visual artist and designer, he combines his fascination with technology with storytelling. He writes stories that are made into films, in which the props he designs play the leading role. He is a co-founder of the science centers De Ontdekfabriek (Eindhoven), Het Ontdekstation (Tilburg), and the Uitvindfabriek (Breda). Over the years, Hugo Vrijdag has created artworks in public spaces and light installations for previous editions of GLOW, including the projects ‘Birds’ and ‘Sunflowers for Van Gogh.’ A hallmark of his work is the combination of narrative and technology.

GLOW aims to raise awareness among children about their role on Earth in an accessible way. By reaching children at a young age, a development is set in motion that contributes both personally and collectively on a societal level. Through the children’s education program, GLOW emphasizes not only the value of art but also the importance of environmental conservation. By involving children in art and at the same time emphasizing sustainability, they are encouraged to actively think about their impact on the world and to drive positive change. GLOW hopes to contribute to shaping a generation dedicated to a more sustainable future.

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Earlier projects. Earlier projects. Earlier projects. Earlier projects. Earlier projects. Earlier projects. Earlier projects. Earlier projects.
Earlier projects.

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